Thus, one cannot simply call it an “AMD driver issue” at this moment in time, and it should not detract you from getting a Radeon card (they’re beautiful pieces of hardware). I want to make it clear that there are ALSO reports of this game crashing (in the same fashion) on NVIDIA users, and reports of the game working fine on Windows 7 with RDNA as well.
The primarily reason I am making this guide is because many people trying to play this game again bought an RDNA card but are now stumbling upon an unstable (and quite frankly, ancient) game. This is because this game is unstable on Windows 10. What we are going to do: We are going to have Final Fantasy XIII running with DXVK (Vulkan renderer) instead of DirectX 9. I found reports of people having issues with DXVK (which was my case), but I believe I have finally found a solution. After trying several methods of playing this game on my RX 6800 I have finally found a way to play it in a 100% stable environment and with pretty good performance.