10 pin mini din connector with cable for FTDX 1200 yaesu. The new SVM-3 module, along with a new QMT-1 unit (for Quality Measurement & Transport) allow the use of IP networks for transport of receive and transmit audio.ACOM 1200S ACOM 1200S Solid State HF + 6 Meter Amplifiers Acom Pix Model Band/QRG Max P/O Quicknote 1000: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m: 1 KW: 1010: 10-160 m + WARC: 700 W: 1011: 10-160 m + WARC: 700 W: 1500: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m: 1500 WConnection on the rear Acom TX see manual page, RCA (10) are for TX ore the 7 pin Conn on the ACC (4-5) pin 2 are ground-pin 3 are TX.

รวมคู่มือการใช้เครื่องวิทยุสื่อสารรุ่นต่างๆ มากมายBlogger - hobbyhaus DX Supply - ACOM 1011 - YouTubeThe new SNV-12 Signal and Noise Voter Comparator IP Backhaul capability is a major advancement, and is backwards compatible with SNV-12 analog voters already deployed.